Other projects of interest

Below, find links to some pages about my Matras and my other pastime, good old-fashioned Hillbilly Belgian Autocross.


Matra Murena 1981


Matra Bagheera Jubilé 1979


Check the sections on the left for more pictures and Autocross advice !

our recently deceased autocross monster
our recently deceased autocross monster

Apart from driving my Simca and my Golf GTI, last year I joined my friend Eric in his Autocross project. We were out of luck last season, but we count on rocking the Belgian Autocross scene in 2010 ! The picture shows our current car, but we intend on getting another soon, to be prepared for all possible scenarios.

to be continued...

Some pictures of our Opel Kadett Pirate Edition and never-to-be Belgian autocross champion car. More can be found here.

UPDATE: The Loser's fate


after many failed attempts to make the engine run reliably on the Opel, we have decided to trash it and concentrate on the Polo...

Golden skulls guarantee a place on the podium !
Golden skulls guarantee a place on the podium !

which, fortunately, we had also bought and which is looking hot already. It will be a true winner when we're done with it:

had loads of old 20 Franc coins in it ! Bonus !!!
had loads of old 20 Franc coins in it ! Bonus !!!
minimal facial protection is a must. ;-)
minimal facial protection is a must. ;-)
we recycled the lights from the Kadett.
we recycled the lights from the Kadett.

Check the sections on the left for more pictures of the Polo in action !