
John Rackham's flag
John Rackham's flag

This is the skull that we spraypainted on the hood of our Kadett and Polo. It's John Rackham's famous pirateflag. When printed in DIN A3 and cut out, it can be used as a stencil. Feel free to use it, if you like it. There are many more to be found at SkullaDay, but not this one ;-).


It's recommended to spray the hood of your racebanger in a matte black finish, because this prevents the sun from reflecting on it, thus temporarily blinding the driver. Anyway, a black hood is always cool ;-)



the stencil in place
the stencil in place
I made the mistake to spray the white when the black paint wasnt't entirely dry yet
I made the mistake to spray the white when the black paint wasnt't entirely dry yet
but now I like the antique, washed up look of it...
but now I like the antique, washed up look of it...